Thursday, May 7, 2020

Weird Non-Profit Organizations Annotated Bibliography

Essays on Weird Non-Profit Organizations Annotated Bibliography The paper "Weird Non-Profit Organizations" is an amazing example of an annotated bibliography on business. Name: Adult Industry Medical (AIM) Health Care Foundation About Organization: This non-profit corporation is created for caring for the physical and emotional needs of sex workers and all those people who work in the adult entertainment industry. It provides HIV and STD testing, treatment and counseling services and also provides condoms, pap smears, psychiatric assessment, drug and alcohol counseling, chiropractic healing and various other related things to the concerned workers. AIM wants to be a leader in promoting safe and responsible sexual behavior, not only for sex workers but for everyone.  Name: Guide Dogs of America About Organization: This organization provides free of charge guide dogs and instruction in their use, to blind and visually impaired people from the U.S and Canada in order to make their life easier. The organization raises puppies and trained them so that they may help the visually impaired persons to help them in mobilizing and doing other daily chores of l ife.   Name: Forgotten Cats  About Organization: The organization’s mission is â€Å"to reduce the unwanted cat population without killing them†. Its objective is to reduce the amount of feral cat population by trapping them and neutering them. The organization is also trying to provide a home to adoptable cats.  Name: Accuracy in Media  About Organization: The main purpose of this organization is to resist the inaccuracies and one-sidedness of the American media. The organization was founded in 1969 by a group of concerned citizens including economist Reed Irvine. It started its operation by sending letters to newspaper editors for the correction of mistakes done. In case, any newspaper refused to do so, the organization bought advertising space in the paper to print the correction. From then onward, AIM initiated numerous steps for making the American media transparent and fair.Name: Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW)  About Organization: As the name suggests, CAGW objectives are to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and inefficiency in the Federal Government. CAGW represents more than one million members and supporters nationwide.   Name: The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee About Organization: Founded in 1995, this non-for-profit organization claims itself to be the largest natural habitat refuge developed especially for African and Asian elephants. Most surprisingly, it operates on 2,700 acres in Hohenwald, Tennessee. Its mission is somewhat unique – â€Å"to provide a haven for old, sick or needy elephants† and â€Å"to provide education about the crisis facing these †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ endangered creatures†.  Name: Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) About Organization: This organization aims to help all legally blinded veterans by making life better for them. It doesn’t matter whether they become blind during or after their military service.  Name: Bikers Against Drunk Drivers  About Organization: BADD’s main purpose is to reduce the incidence caused by drunk driving and its consequences by conducting awareness programs in malls and major events, through media and by arranging annual tours.  Name: One Laptop per Child  About Organization: Formed in January 2005, OLPC is a U.S. based not-for-profit organization with an aim to â€Å"create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop†. Such an organization has so much importance for the future prosperity of our world. The idea is so unique and it is indeed a mega project which involves the production of hundreds of thousands of laptops.

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